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HOTEL at Rapenburgerstraat

architecture(建築) / Amsterdam

This was my first work in Amsterdam.

The existng building is currently used as a dormitory (or apartment building) buylding. This is a design proposal of converting and renovating this monumental architecture (registered by the city of Amsterdam) into three hotels. So i dealt with three issues of restrictions; (1) restrictions as monumental architecture, regarding facades, old existing beams etc, (2)restriction by the architectural codes (3) restriction on the 3-Star hotel standards by the Benelux Tourist Bureau. Under this condition I planned maximum numbers of hotel rooms with minimum area of corridors, stairs etc.

The first concept was "One Tree = One hotel = One room"
When you look at the tree you cannot see the entire surface at once, but you can imagine the backside of the tree because the entire surface is continuous. Trunks, branches, leaves they have different names but constitute a tree as a whole. A trunk supports branches and leaves wrap around branches. I wanted to treat the hotel as one continuos room to give a sense of continuity, to express wideness within the limited size. This would surely be possible, as the surface of the tree is not small at all.



最初のコンセプトは、"1本の木=1つのホテル=1つの部屋 "だった。


Viewpoints through the experience of traveling


Comments from my photographs from world travels: I did not take these photographs for any particular reason or purpose.

I just wanted to frame various sceneries which fascinated me, and collect them. I categorized (or 'curated') them from a subjective point of view and added them at the end of my portfolio to show one of my backgrounds. Design is about decksion making. i would like to learn more to explore a wider/deeper range os choices, (or on other words) to recognize, think and express and study the process and result. This learning process lies within a continuous circulation of thinking and expression.

I hope that from these photographs you might observe various 'entrances' into my senses from an objective point of view.

How have i been watching the world?

世界を旅して撮った写真からのコメント: これらの写真は、特別な理由や目的があって撮ったわけではない。






Lighting Design , Product Design(照明デザイン、プロダクトデザイン) / Japan

Product Design for Wall, Ceiling and Desk

There is a certain beaty in materials or products which are diveloped for engineering use. I find hidden possibilities to convert them for other uses. Aside from studying a singlee objects, I often find unitaginable effects when making a bombingtion of totally different kinds of objects. I made a  combination of (1)compact fluorescent light with maximum brightness and minimum thickness (2)An insulator of glass-fibered epoxy resin used in base board of computer etc, and (3)TJI (used for wood beam , laminated I-section plywood) and developed a modular unit of lighting to light up floor, wall, ceiling, desk top or anywhere.


工学的な用途に限定された素材や製品には、ある種の美しさがある。私はそれらを他の用途に転用する可能性を見出している。単体のモノを研究するのはもちろんだが、まったく異なる種類のモノを組み合わせてボンビングを作ると、ユニット的な効果を見出すことが多い。私は、(1)最小の厚みで最大の明るさを持つ小型蛍光灯 (2)コンピュータの基盤などに使われるガラス繊維入りエポキシ樹脂の絶縁体 (3)TJI(木製の梁やI断面合板に使われる)を組み合わせて、床、壁、天井、机の上など、あらゆる場所を照らす照明のモジュラーユニットを開発した。


A Garden 2

architecture(建築) / Japan

Exterior bamboo wall structure and garden terrace

Converting a roof balcony of a 20 year old apartment building into a private roof garden.

The client requested to provide 2 m. high bamboo walls around the garden to obstruct eyes of neighbors, a wooden deck, water supply and sink, and a storage for cleaning devices,a barbecue stove and a stereo set.

Considering the wind load on the 6th floor,I decided to use galvanized steel frames to support bamboo walls. I did not hide the sub—frames but exposed them instead. I set up double layers of bamboo walls to create depth and to allow for free air~flow. The wooden deck had to be lifted from the bottom so it drains better, Bamboo lasts approximately five to ten years, so it was necessary to provide a wall system which allow for easy exchange of bamboo walls while keeping the steel frame as it is.

From these conditions I first thought of suspending metal parts from the existing handrail and fastened them with bolts, in order to fix the bamboo walls. I used 9 mm. steel rods and bent them like a paperclip,and put them together in X (cross) shape,so it provides enough strength and room for adjustment of location of bamboo. I collaborated with a gardener of traditional Japanese gardens and developed a new method of knitting bamboo walls at the site, them inserted them into the metal clips. I designed a weather-proof cabinet so as not to distract the garden view,and used stone on the top board (which also serves as a chair). The other parts of the cabinets are mirrored stainless steel in contrast with the stone.

Basically I intended to work on this project from the concept of 'inter-reaction of opposing factors to meet different purposes',as in the previous project "A Garden/ Endo House". And I successfully created a ‘global yet 'domestic‘ space.









architecture(建築) / Japan